Monday, March 06, 2006

Cable Access Kick-Off Meeting

When I sent out the invitation for the kick-off meeting of the Slow Food GCTV show, I didn’t know what to expect. It was entirely possible that I would end up at a meeting with my husband and sister – talented people, to say the least, but not quite an entire volunteer force. Instead, the Green Bean conference room filled with an amazing group of people with a diverse set of skills and interests. We have people experienced in film and editing, music and art, cooking and gardening and even a Spanish teacher!

Together we put together a list of show topics that could easily fill a season. Among the many ideas were:

  • A blind taste-testing of local organic versus conventional foods
  • The Wellness Policy
  • Edible Schoolyards
  • Slow Food at home
  • A student food-related film competition
  • Multicultural food within our community
  • Farm to kitchen cooking shows
  • Food and cooking for spiritual and physical health
And the list goes on and on. We are planning to film the mushroom inoculation at Handance Farm for one of our first episodes as well as the cheese making process at Goat Lady Dairy.

While we have a great group together, this is certainly a more-the-merrier situation. In addition to on-site volunteers for filming days, we would also like to have a volunteer to find and approach people and businesses to sponsor episodes (i.e. help pay for the show in exchange for a panel of recognition at the beginning and end of the episode) as well as volunteers to do a little research here and there. Even an hour or two a month of volunteer time could go a long way to making this show a success!

Please contact Sarah Jones with ideas, feedback and for more information:

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